Disclaimer & Credits
Texts have been downloaded from the Gutenberg project and archive.org and then converted into TEI files, one file for each letter.
Technology stack
- eXist-db: backend for data and web application platform using XML, Xquery, XSLT, Javascript, HTML5, CSS
- Text Encoding Initiative (TEI): semantic tagging of all texts
- The Relax NG Schema tei_nfe.rng for tagging the letters is based on the TEI Simpleprint schema which has been extended mainly by <correspAction> and <correspDesc> elements; the ODD file can be found here. For the place and people authority files two Relax NG schemas have been created: tei_nfe_places.rng (ODD file) and tei_nfe_people.rng (ODD file).
Code and data can be found on Github.com.
Image in header of website taken from wikimedia commons.
Texts on the authority pages (places, people) have been taken from the English Wikipedia.
Website layout and design is a slightly adapted version of the Spectral Design by HTML5 UP!.