Authority File Entry (Place): Nubia Nubia Linked Open Data:RDF/XMLJSON-LD ( See also: Place Attestations LUCIE DUFF GORDON: To Mrs. Austin, A FEW MILES BELOW GIRGEH, March 7, 1863. LUCIE DUFF GORDON: To Sir Alexander Duff Gordon, March 10, 1863. LUCIE DUFF GORDON: To Mr. Tom Taylor, CAIRO, April 18, 1863. LUCIE DUFF GORDON: To Sir Alexander Duff Gordon, LUXOR, May 10, 1866. LUCIE DUFF GORDON: To Sir Alexander Duff Gordon, LUXOR, December 20, 1867. LUCIE DUFF GORDON: To Sir Alexander Duff Gordon, ON BOARD THE URANIA, January, 1868. WILLIAM ARNOLD BROMFIELD: Cairo, November 11th, 1850. WILLIAM ARNOLD BROMFIELD: Khartoum, at the junction of the White and Blue Rivers, lat. 15° N. Long. 34° 10. March 20th, 1851. WILLIAM ARNOLD BROMFIELD: On boakd the Nile Boat Mary Victoria, Between Korosko and Assouan, April 27th, 1851. WILLIAM ARNOLD BROMFIELD: On Board the Mary Victoria Nile Boat, Between Guineh and Girzeh, Upper Egypt, May 12th, 1851. WILLIAM ARNOLD BROMFIELD: Minieh, May 25th, 1851. WILLIAM ARNOLD BROMFIELD: No date or place given.